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Re: Messages from autogen

From: John Wiegley
Subject: Re: Messages from autogen
Date: Tue, 05 Sep 2017 17:24:06 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.130016 (Ma Gnus v0.16) Emacs/25.2.50 (darwin)

>>>>> "EZ" == Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> writes:

EZ> Don't kill the messenger! I just pointed you (and others) to the
EZ> description of the change by its author, in the hope that this will
EZ> facilitate finding a solution.

I reach down and apply a defibrillator to the messenger, bringing him back to
life. Close call.

John Wiegley                  GPG fingerprint = 4710 CF98 AF9B 327B B80F
http://newartisans.com                          60E1 46C4 BD1A 7AC1 4BA2

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