Hello, here is very fast dbus based battery status function, implemented using upower interface. Could you please include it in battery.el ?
(defcustom battery-upower-device "battery_BAT1"
"*Upower battery device name."
:type 'string
:group 'battery)
(defsubst battery-upower-prop (pname &optional device)
(concat "/org/freedesktop/UPower/devices/" (or device battery-upower-device))
(defun battery-upower ()
"Get battery status from dbus Upower interface.
This function works only in systems with `upowerd' daemon
The following %-sequences are provided:
%c Current capacity (mWh)
%p Battery load percentage
%r Current rate
%B Battery status (verbose)
%L AC line status (verbose)
%s Remaining time (to charge or discharge) in seconds
%m Remaining time (to charge or discharge) in minutes
%h Remaining time (to charge or discharge) in hours
%t Remaining time (to charge or discharge) in the form `h:min'"
(let ((percents (battery-upower-prop "Percentage"))
(time-to-empty (battery-upower-prop "TimeToEmpty"))
(time-to-full (battery-upower-prop "TimeToFull"))
(state (battery-upower-prop "State"))
(online (battery-upower-prop "Online" "line_power_ACAD"))
(energy (battery-upower-prop "Energy"))
(energy-rate (battery-upower-prop "EnergyRate"))
(battery-states '((0 . "unknown") (1 . "charging")
(2 . "discharging") (3 . "empty")
(4 . "fully-charged") (5 . "pending-charge")
(6 . "pending-discharge")))
seconds minutes hours remaining-time)
(cond ((and online time-to-full)
(setq seconds time-to-full))
((and (not online) time-to-empty)
(setq seconds time-to-empty)))
(when seconds
(setq minutes (/ seconds 60)
hours (/ minutes 60)
(format "%d:%02d" (truncate hours)
(- (truncate minutes) (* 60 (truncate hours))))))
(list (cons ?c (or (and energy
(number-to-string (round (* 1000 energy))))
(cons ?p (or (and percents (number-to-string (round percents)))
(cons ?r (or (and energy-rate
(concat (number-to-string energy-rate) " W"))
(cons ?B (or (and state (cdr (assoc state battery-states)))
(cons ?L (or (and online "on-line") "off-line"))
(cons ?s (or (and seconds (number-to-string seconds)) "N/A"))
(cons ?m (or (and minutes (number-to-string minutes)) "N/A"))
(cons ?h (or (and hours (number-to-string hours)) "N/A"))
(cons ?t (or remaining-time "N/A")))))