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Re: Org merging [was Re: next pretest]

From: Achim Gratz
Subject: Re: Org merging [was Re: next pretest]
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 07:08:10 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

Bastien <bzg <at> gnu.org> writes:
> > - we remove the hack that adds bleeding-edge versions of Org to GNU ELPA.
> Yes -- this can be done anytime.

Not so fast.  To the best of my knowledge ELPA doesn't run make on the
projects there, so the Org package you're producing would be non-functional
-- which was the raison d'ĂȘtre for the current solution (or "hack"), IIRC.

> Okay.  Do you really want to move the bzr history there or just import
> the Org Git stable branch into an externals/org-mode Git branch?

You can't import the Git stable branch either, but you'd need to cut a
specific ELPA branch with contrib removed and mirror that.  Unless ELPA lets
us run make, that elpa branch would also need to contain auto-generated
files.  All things considered a direct link between ELPA and the development
repo isn't going to fly in the immediate future, IMHO.  An intermediate repo
on the Org server that we push to ELPA or ELPA pulls from would work nicely,
on the other hand.

> FWIW, my plan for Org-mode development is (1) to let core development
> happen on the GNU ELPA Git branch and (2) to have a separate Org ELPA
> for contributions.  Both goals are separate and (2) has priority over
> (1), which is not really necessary, but desirable IMHO.

Since this list wasn't involved in the discussion, let me state again that
such a split wouldn't quite work the way you envision it to do at the
moment.  For one, it would quite likely increase the maintenance workload
rather than reduce it.  Further discussion of this topic should be moved to
the orgmode mailing list, though.


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