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Re: Move to git is imminent - awaiting Stefan's approval

From: Angelo Graziosi
Subject: Re: Move to git is imminent - awaiting Stefan's approval
Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 11:24:12 +0100
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Il 07/01/2014 0.01, Andreas Schwab ha scritto:
Angelo Graziosi <address@hidden> writes:

Now trying

$ git clone git://git.savannah.gnu.org/emacs.git emacs.git

I don't get any revision number.. So in my future bug report how the trunk
will be identified?

A good way to identify a git branch is to use git describe.  However it
prefers to have an annotated (release) tag available to base on, which
we currently don't have (bzr doesn't have the concept of annotated

Beside this, my local copy of BZR repository has dimension

$ du -s emacs-trunk/
126M    emacs-trunk/

instead the git repository has dimension

$ du -s emacs.git/
1.1G    emacs.git/

By default git downloads the history of all branches.  You can use
--single-branch to only clone a single branch.  This is the default if
you create a shallow clone.

David Kastrup wrote:

For the build?  No.  git clone has the following options:

        --depth <depth>

OK, trying

$ git clone --single-branch git://git.savannah.gnu.org/emacs.git emacs.git

the local repository has dimension 1.1G, so probably I need a more explicit example...

Instead, trying

$ git clone --depth 1 git://git.savannah.gnu.org/emacs.git emacs.git

the local repository has dimension 160M which is a little greater than my current BZR (checkout --lightweight) repository (126M), but acceptable...

Suppose now I want identify which "revision" introduced a bug. I am able to do this with a binary search using the BZR command

$ bzr up -r ARG

How can I do this with the "minimal" clone done with GIT?

I hope someone creates a Wiki page with all these doubts clarified with explicit examples... :-)


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