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Re: search files with conversion but fundamental mode, no handlers, no f

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: search files with conversion but fundamental mode, no handlers, no file-local vars
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2012 10:39:15 +0200

> From: "Drew Adams" <address@hidden>
> Cc: "'Eli Zaretskii'" <address@hidden>, <address@hidden>
> Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2012 14:01:07 -0800
> OK, from what you and Eli are saying, I'm starting to think that `i-f-c' might
> be appropriate for my case.  But I would like to see the doc for `i-f-c' spell
> out specifically what it does and does not do.

I don't think documenting the internals to such a degree is a good
idea.  It will make the doc string extremely long and tedious to read,
full of details irrelevant to most Lisp programmers.  Just imagine
that insert-file-contents reads in the file's contents, doing TRT with
what that requires, but nothing more.  IOW, you get a buffer with the
file's text, and that's it.

> Like the doc for `mm-i-f-c' does.

No, it does not.  It says "like insert-file-contents, but only reads
in the file."  That doesn't describe much, because "like
insert-file-contents" is still unexplained.  And "just reads in the
file" fits what insert-file-contents does, too.

> And if the doc for `mm-i-f-c' is wrong about it being different in this or 
> that
> respect from `i-f-c', then it would be good to fix that doc too.

I agree.  The only real difference is that it disables file handlers
(something that is not in its doc string, btw), which means remote
files are not supported, compressed files are not decompressed,
etc. -- which most applications like the one you described will
actually want to have.

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