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RE: Emacs 24.0.93 Pretest Windows Binaries published

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Emacs 24.0.93 Pretest Windows Binaries published
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2012 06:15:51 -0800

> >> Pre-built Windows binaries for GnuTLS are available at 
> >> this location: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ezwinports/files/
> >
> > Can you say what that means?  What is GnuTLS for, and why 
> > might an Emacs user want to obtain a binary for it?
> > How does it relate to Emacs?
> This is an announcement email nothing more. Do I also have to explain 
> what a Pretest is?

It is an _Emacs_ announcement.  If you also mention other stuff then some brief
description of its relation to Emacs is in order (i.e., helpful).

> IF we need to include any clarifying information we should
> include it in README.W32 and I will only reference the it
> in any future announcement.


The readme is the only place we mention other Windows binaries - e.g. image
binaries.  Why treat GnuTLS specially?  Either mention GnuTLS only in the readme
(preferred) or mention in the announcement each of the binaries that mentioned
in the readme (not preferred).

Wherever GnuTLS is mentioned, the mention should be accompanied by a short
description.  IMO, the readme is the proper place for this.

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