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Suggestion to indicate fixed version when closing a bug

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: Suggestion to indicate fixed version when closing a bug
Date: Sat, 10 Dec 2011 02:57:59 -0500
User-agent: Gnus (www.gnus.org), GNU Emacs (www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)


When you close a debbugs.gnu.org report as fixed, I suggest indicating
the version in which the fix was applied.

If you use the 123-done way of closing a bug, just put:

Version: 24.1

at the first line of the body.

If you use the address@hidden + close syntax, then just use:

close 123 24.1

The version number should be the first one in which a fix is present.
For a bug fixed today, this would be 24.1, but during pretesting I think
it is helpful to use the version of the next pretest (ie, 24.0.93).
(I don't think it will matter later on if a pretest version number turns
out not to exist because the actual release was made.)

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