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Re: Input method or help feature needed

From: Paul Eggert
Subject: Re: Input method or help feature needed
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 12:26:09 -0800
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On 02/17/2011 11:14 AM, Richard Stallman wrote:

Can anyone develop a way to make it easier?

For ideas about this, I suggest looking at Wikipedia's
interface for adding unusual characters.  I find it much
easier to use Wikipedia to add a character that I don't
know, than to use Emacs.  It's easier than using
ucs-insert (which requires that I know the Unicode name,
which I typically don't) or the Turkish input method
(which I don't know how to use and lack time to learn).

For example, to add a dotless i to the start of the
Wikipedia talk page on Emacs, you visit its "Edit" page
and do the following:

  Press the "Insert" button.  Select Latin; it displays
  lots of Latin characters.  Press the dotless i character.

That's much easier than anything Emacs offers now.
Perhaps someone who's an expert on Emacs UI code could
do something similar (or even better) for Emacs.

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