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Re: Merging emacs-23 into trunk

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Merging emacs-23 into trunk
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 04:11:06 -0500

> From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <address@hidden>
> Cc: address@hidden,
>     address@hidden
> Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 17:39:05 +0900
> Eli Zaretskii writes:
>  > If committing configure alone is all we need to avoid the problem, we
>  > could decide to do that, philosophical and atom-splitting issues
>  > notwithstanding.
> No, I'm saying that the design of bzr doesn't permit that.

??? Which part of design of bzr won't permit me doing the following?

  bzr ci configure.in ChangeLog
  bzr ci configure

> As long as the Makefile knows to update configure, you're OK until
> somebody with a different version of autoconf reports a bug.  Or
> somebody with *no* autoconf decides to build, and gets stopped before
> they get started even though they've got a perfectly good configure.

The issue of whether to have configure in the repository is a separate
one.  If the decision is not to track it, then, of course, all of the
above is not relevant.

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