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Re: next emacs version?

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: next emacs version?
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 15:22:37 +0200

> From: "Drew Adams" <address@hidden>
> Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2010 04:23:31 -0700
> What will the next Emacs version be?


> I just got a bug report for my Dired+ code, because of a recent change to
> files.el for the regexp `dired-move-to-filename-regexp'. I have a fix that 
> takes
> the new regexp into account, but I need to test for the Emacs version that has
> the new regexp (since I support multiple versions).
> The person who filed the bug report has GNU Emacs version
> (i686-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 2.16.6)... He says he just updated from BZR.
> But I thought the next release would be Emacs 23.2, not 24.

That's not a contradiction.  Emacs 23.2 will be delivered from a
branch, not from the trunk.  Version 24.0.50 is from the development

> What is the proper
> test (or a reasonable test) to use in the code, for this change? It's OK if I
> don't support the change until the release is out. It's the test for the
> official release I'm most interested in. (But I'm also interested in advice
> about testing against an in-development version.)

If you want to discern v23.x from v24.x, emacs-major-version is the
first thing I'd try.

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