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Re: Mixed L2R and R2L paragraphs and horizontal scroll

From: martin rudalics
Subject: Re: Mixed L2R and R2L paragraphs and horizontal scroll
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 2010 20:45:50 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

>> Inconvenient for the user.  Why scroll something out of view if there's
>> no urgent need to do so.  (Although a similar argument could be made for
>> pure LR text as well
> Exactly!  So perhaps we should adopt this design,

Which one?

> as it doesn't make
> things worse and does not require additional interfaces (such as
> `window-RL-hscroll').
>>  > That's what would happen if the second line was
>>  > displayed at the left margin, like this:
>>  >
>>  >       +---------+---------+-------------------+
>>  >       |$ijk     |abcdefgh$|abcdefghijk        |
>>  >       |$IJK     |$HGFEDCBA|        KJIHGFEDCBA|
>>           ^^^^^^^^^
>>  >       |         |         |                   |
>>  >       +---------+---------+-------------------+
>> I fail to understand the marked text in your example.
> In the current unidirectional display, where text is always displayed
> in its logical (i.e. reading) order, the second line would have been
> displayed as "ABCDEFGHIJK", flushed to the left margin.  Then when the
> line above it is scrolled to show just "$ijk", so would be the second
> line, and it would display as "$IJK".

I still don't get you.  In your earlier examples capitalized text always
showed reverse as KJI and not as IJK.  But I also fail to understand why
there's no text on the right of this.  So maybe you meant something like

      |$ijk     |abcdefgh$|abcdefghijk        |
      | KJIHGFE$|        $|        KJIHGFEDCBA|
      |         |         |                   |

(no text in the second line of the second window) instead?

> My point was that the bidirectional display conceptually does the
> same, except it reverses the characters and flushes them to the right.

I suppose this would apply regardless of the strategy chosen.


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