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Re: Contributing (setf (assoc ...))

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: Contributing (setf (assoc ...))
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 2009 16:00:35 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier <address@hidden> writes:

>> (defsetf assoc (key place) (value)
>>   (let ((s1 (gensym)))
>>     `(let ((,s1 (assoc ,key ,place)))
>>        (if ,s1 (setf (second ,s1) ,value)
>>          (push (list ,key ,value) ,place)))))
> This code has 2 problems:
> 1- association lists have elements of the form (KEY . VAL) rather than
>    (KEY VAL), so rather than (list ,key ,value) it should use
>    (cons ,key ,value) and rather than (second ,s1) it should use
>    (cdr ,s1).
> 2- it's unsatisfactory iin that it's asymmetric w.r.t assoc; because
>    assoc returns not just the VAL associated to a KEY but the whole
>    (KEY . VAL).
>    Usually (setf <foo> <bar>) should imply that a subsequent evaluation
>    of <foo> should return the value of <bar>, but here this can't be the
>    case.  IOW `assoc' is inherently incompatible with setf.
> Problem 1 is trivial, obviously.  Problem 2 is more philosophical than
> anything, but it makes the macro unsatifactory.

The above does not have the right setf semantics.  One would need to

(setf (cdr (assoc key ...)) value)

in order to set just the value of a key value pair.  If one does, it is
perfectly fine that the return value is just value.

Or one would have to use something like

(setf (assoc-default key ...) value)

David Kastrup

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