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Re: show whitespace problems by default in diff-mode

From: Miles Bader
Subject: Re: show whitespace problems by default in diff-mode
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 2009 10:45:37 +0900

Dan Nicolaescu <address@hidden> writes:
>   > I guess, it's the same as with normal files:  some people are very
>   > concerned with whitespace problems, but many do not care; for the
>   > latter, whitespace indication would simply be annoying noise.
> The question is if the latter outnumber the former.   Given the amount
> of rumbling about trailing whitespace, and the number of scripts/tools
> etc. that deal with it, then I would say they don't...

Huh?  "The amount of rumbling"?  You must be reading different dev lists
than I do, because I rarely see it even mentioned; the git list has a
higher number than usual, I'd wager, but otoh, the people there tend to
be much more fussy (aka pedantic) than usual about lots of things.

There are clearly some people that really, really, care about it, and
they are indeed quite vocal -- but AFAICT, most people just don't care.


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