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Re: popup-menu with keyboard menu

From: Glenn Morris
Subject: Re: popup-menu with keyboard menu
Date: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 15:52:39 -0400
User-agent: Gnus (www.gnus.org), GNU Emacs (www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)

Stephen Leake wrote:

> I'm calling popup-menu with a keyboard menu, rather than from a mouse
> action.
> It's failing with "Wrong type argument: integerp, nil" if the mouse is
> outside the Emacs frame (which it normally is, for me).

Can you give a recipe starting from emacs -Q showing how to get this

I couldn't reproduce it, and x-popup-menu has code to handle this

Perhaps you are on Windows, since the version of x-popup-menu in
w32menu.c seems to be missing the relevant part from the xmenu.c

          /* If a click happens in an external tool bar or a detached
             tool bar, x and y is NIL.  In that case, use the current
             mouse position.  This happens for the help button in the
             tool bar.  Ideally popup-menu should pass NIL to
             this function, but it doesn't.  */
          if (NILP (x) && NILP (y))
            get_current_pos_p = 1;

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