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Re: Subpixel averaging

From: Tom Rauchenwald
Subject: Re: Subpixel averaging
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 21:43:30 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Chong Yidong <address@hidden> writes:

> Although Emacs now performs anti-aliasing, it doesn't seem to perform
> subpixel averaging.  I, for one, find the anti-aliased text in Emacs
> blurry and very uncomfortable to read, especially when using
> bright-on-dark color schemes.  As a result, I'm forced to use the old
> fonts.
> The attached screenshot shows the difference between gedit (top) and
> Emacs 23 (bottom).
> I don't know how easy it is to add subpixel averaging.  Could someone
> who has been working on this part of the code enlighten me?  Even if you
> are too busy to work on this yourself, I'd appreciate it if you could
> point me to the right starting place for adding this feature.

I don't know it that is the issue, but I have the following in my
.Xresources for that:

Xft.dpi:                96
Xft.hinting:            true
Xft.hintstyle:          hintfull
Xft.antialias:          rgba
Xft.rgba:               rgb


Then I drew in a breath, and my renewed will with it, lifted the rod
in my right hand, murmured a phrase in a language I didn't know, and
blew the tires off his fucking truck.
        -- Harry Dresden

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