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Re: bookmark.el and lisp/gnus/gnus-bookmark.el

From: Bastien
Subject: Re: bookmark.el and lisp/gnus/gnus-bookmark.el
Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2008 17:20:22 +0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.110007 (No Gnus v0.7) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Karl Fogel <address@hidden> writes:

>> Yeah, but I think Karl missed the second one (make-cell) while renaming.
>> I've already sent him a mail.
> Tassilo is right.

He is right about the fact that you forget to rename the variable, but
renaming this variable is not enough - sorry to insist.

We also need to update `bookmark-buffer-name' so that it returns a
sensible value in *any* mode: for now it only returns a value in a
buffer visiting a file, in dired and in info mode.

My proposal is to add this:

(defvar bookmark-make-name-function nil
  "A function that should be called to return the name of the bookmark.
Modes may set this variable buffer-locally to enable a default name to
be proposed when calling `bookmark-set'.")

I thought your mistake about not renaming `bookmark-make-cell-function'
was not a mistake about renaming, but a mistake about forgetting to make 
`bookmark-buffer-name'.handle this new variable.  

I think we should:

1. Update `bookmark-buffer-name' like this:

(defun bookmark-buffer-name ()
  "Return the name of the current buffer's file, non-directory.
In Info, return the current node."
   ;; Is the mode defining it's own bookmark name?
    (funcall bookmark-make-name-function))
   ;; Are we in Info?
   ((derived-mode-p 'Info-mode) Info-current-node)
   ;; Or are we a file?
   (buffer-file-name (file-name-nondirectory buffer-file-name))
   ;; Or are we a directory?
   ((and (boundp 'dired-directory) dired-directory)
    (let* ((dirname (if (stringp dired-directory)
                      (car dired-directory)))
           (idx (1- (length dirname))))
      ;; Strip the trailing slash.
      (if (= ?/ (aref dirname idx))
          (file-name-nondirectory (substring dirname 0 idx))
        ;; Else return the current-buffer
        (buffer-name (current-buffer)))))
   ;; If all else fails, use the buffer's name.
    (buffer-name (current-buffer)))))

2. Use `bookmark-make-name-function' function in `bookmark-set' instead
   of `bookmark-make-record-function':

   (local-variable-p 'bookmark-make-name-function)
   (error "Buffer not visiting a file or directory"))

If you agree, I will make those changes.  They are required for the
rewrite of gnus-bookmark.el.

Thanks for considering this, and for your patience!


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