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Re: 23.0.50; display property and continuation arrows

From: Jan Djärv
Subject: Re: 23.0.50; display property and continuation arrows
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2008 08:00:06 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071031)

Stephen Berman skrev:
On Sun, 06 Jan 2008 11:46:30 +0100 Jan Djärv <address@hidden> wrote:

Stephen Berman skrev:
On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 23:59:07 +0100 Jan Djärv <address@hidden> wrote:

Stephen Berman skrev:
On Sat, 05 Jan 2008 18:40:43 +0100 Jan Djärv <address@hidden> wrote:
A futher observation.  If the character in the second column is a space, the
bug does not appear.
I'm not sure what you mean: do you mean the position occupied by "e" in
the last occurrence of "testing" in my screen first shot?  If I make
this a space, I see no different behavior.  Also, what do you mean by
the "bug"?
The bug == the appearance of an "empty" line.  Yes, the e in your screen shot.
Ok, but in this case there is no "empty" line only if you apply the
display property with the cursor over the "s" following the space,
i.e. the cursor is on the third column.  But that's also so if you leave
the "e", so the presence of the space is irrelevant.
That is not what I did.  I had the cursor over the space, in the
second column.  Maybe word breaks and/or column width has something to
do with this also.

Did you use the same recipe I gave in my OP, aside from the space?

Yes I did.

that and the space I still get the "empty" line, so as you say there
must be some other difference.  When I do emacs -Q and eval
(frame-parameters), I get this:

((parent-id . 25170646)
 (display . ":0")
 (visibility . t)
 (outer-window-id . "65011885")
 (window-id . "65011940")
 (top . 30)
 (left . 0)
 (buffer-list #<buffer *scratch*> #<buffer  *Minibuf-1*> #<buffer *Help*>)
 (minibuffer . #<window 4 on  *Minibuf-0*>)
 (modeline . t)
 (width . 80)
 (height . 40)
 (name . "address@hidden")
 (background-mode . light)
 (display-type . color)
 (horizontal-scroll-bars . t)
 (window-system . x)
 (scroll-bar-width . 16)
 (cursor-type . box)
 (icon-type . t)
 (wait-for-wm . t)
 (tool-bar-lines . 1)
 (menu-bar-lines . 1)
 (scroll-bar-background . "grey75")
 (scroll-bar-foreground . "#000000")
 (right-fringe . 8)
 (left-fringe . 8)
 (border-color . "black")
 (cursor-color . "#000000")
 (mouse-color . "#000000")
 (background-color . "#ffffff")
 (foreground-color . "#000000")
 (vertical-scroll-bars . left)
 (internal-border-width . 0)
 (border-width . 0)
 (font . "-*-fixed-medium-r-*--16-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-16"))

Do you have different values for relevant parameters (e.g. font)?

I have width 81, height 50 (from .Xresources) and font is "-*-*-medium-*-*-*-12-*-*-*-*-*-fontset-startup".

I also have right-fringe 11 and left-fringe 10.

        Jan D.

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