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Re: C++ class members completion

From: dhruva
Subject: Re: C++ class members completion
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 15:35:07 +0530


On 10/31/07, ring0 <address@hidden> wrote:
> Is there a reliable module (.el or with recompilation in C++ mode or new one)
> allowing Emacs to
> - read include files on-the-fly and record classes structure
> - parse the code and record objects declarations
> - after typing an object (instance of a class) and `.' (or `->' if it can
> deduce it is a pointer) and, say, [C-TAB] would suggest the members of the
> class (completion)
> - perform other operations, like showing class declaration in another window
> etc...

 You could try CEDET (http://cedet.sourceforge.net/)


Dhruva Krishnamurthy
Contents reflect my personal views only!

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