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Re: Checkout the sources for the release branch

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: Checkout the sources for the release branch
Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 16:18:25 +0300

> Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 13:16:11 +0200
> From: "Lennart Borgman (gmail)" <address@hidden>
> CC:  address@hidden,  address@hidden
> >> I meant of course how they should know that EMACS_22_BASE exists.
> > 
> > What's wrong with "cvs log"?
> Just that I have no idea where to find the information.

You don't need to find it, it will look right at you: "cvs log" lists
all the branches that are known to the repository.  And a name such as
EMACS_22_BASE is sufficiently self-explanatory.

> What I believe is that after the release there will be binaries for w32 
> avaliable from the ftp site where the tarballs are. Is not that correct? 
> Why not make those now then?

All GNU projects put their pretest versions on alpha.gnu.org.
ftp.gnu.org, by contrast, is for released versions, so we should not
put binaries there until Emacs 22.1 is released.

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