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RE: Emacs manual mentioning thumbs mode but not tumme

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Emacs manual mentioning thumbs mode but not tumme
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 00:34:09 -0700

> > We should rename tumme now, one way or another, before it is in
> > a release. Would someone please do this?
> This is a spectacularly bad idea, but I guess this is one of those
> "avoid weeks of useless argument" situations.
> So, fine.
> I renamed "tumme" to "thumbnails".  I found "image-dired" unsuitable
> because there would be functions called "image-dired-dired-next-line"
> and so forth (which can't be renamed "image-dired-next-line" because
> there is already such a function).  Also, tumme was not *only* used
> with Dired.
> [Cue 1000 line essay by Drew Adams about why "thumbnails" is a poor
> choice of name.  Whatever, dude.]

Come off it, "dude". Trolling? I'll bite.

I entered this thread near its end - 9 days after it started. It had already
long since (on its 5th day) moved to a discussion of the file name.

For the record, I don't really care. "tumme" is fine with me, as are
"hotdog", "falafel", "chong", and "dpsht". Really. I named two of my own
libraries "icicles" and "doremi" - I have no problem with animal, vegetal,
mineral, whimsical, nonsensical, and non-English names.

I supported the thought, argued first by others, that this is not really
about thumbnails. Mathias agreed that "the thumbnails themselves aren't what
is important". IF we're looking for a descriptive English name, then the
argument is that "thumbnails" is not it.

A day before my first post, Dieter suggested "image-viewer" and
"image-manager" - very close to the discussion's fix-point, it turns out. I
argued that Tumme is Dired-like and could have "dired" in the name. I
emphasized Dired and viewing or browsing of images, as opposed to
thumbnails. I offered "dired-images", "dired-img", "dired-media",
"dired-view", `img-browser', `media-browse', `media-view', and `image-edit'.

Kim suggested "image-browser". David mentioned that "thumbs" doesn't help
you find the library, and he suggested "image-dired", "dired-image", and
"vdired". Mathias agreed that "image-browser" is best, and said that this is
about browsing, cataloging, viewing, and manipulating images.

Only Richard argued that "what is special about tumme is that it
displays...thumbnails." He suggested "thumbnail-images". I argued that
thumbnails were not special and not what this is about. Richard was
ultimately convinced by others, and he suggested "browse-images" and
"image-dired". Nick mentioned "dired-image".

That sounds to me like a general circling around the same terms by pretty
much everyone, and more or less agreement that thumbnails is not the way to
go. The keywords "image", "browse", and "dired" were mentioned over and
over. My own opinion and arguments do not stand out from the crowd here.

So what do you do? You rename it "thumbnails", and you personalize the
discussion with sarcasm directed at me. Whatever, dude - hope you got your
rocks off. Library `thumbnails.el' will stand as a testimonial to your
frustration in dealing with others and your efficiency in "avoiding weeks of
useless argument". Next question...

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