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Re: What is the purpose of "To bind the key M-DEL, use "\M\d", not M-DEL

From: Lennart Borgman (gmail)
Subject: Re: What is the purpose of "To bind the key M-DEL, use "\M\d", not M-DEL"
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2007 10:57:33 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)

Andreas Schwab wrote:
"Lennart Borgman (gmail)" <address@hidden> writes:

I had to consult Webster to see what canonical really means ....
See <http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/C/canonical.html>.
Thanks ;-)

Now let me see if I understand this... - here is then another question
around this:

As I understand it now the preferable way to define a key is (of course)
always to use a canonical representation. Maybe it even can not be done in
any other way?
The canonical representation is the one that works on most if not all
systems (with tty input normally being the most restrictive).  All other
representations of the key are supposed to be translated through
But then there are string representations too.

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