Here's the setup. I have two machines: one running a GNU/Linux Fedora
FC5 system, and another running W2K with an "oldish" commercial X-win32
server. Ping times between the two systems are sub millisecond.
When I start 'emacs -Q' on the GNU/Linux box with DISPLAY=:0.0 the emacs
window appears without delay.
However when I start 'emacs -Q' on the GNU/Linux box with
DISPLAY= (the W2k box) it hangs. No emacs window appears
until I generate an X event on the X-win32-5.3 server, e.g. by moving the
mouse, pressing the ctrl key, etc.
It doesn't hang all the time, maybe because there are sometimes pending xevents
in the queue?
It never happens if another emacs is already running.