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Re: address@hidden: PC-do-completion with directories adding stars.]

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: address@hidden: PC-do-completion with directories adding stars.]
Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2006 21:59:02 +0200

> From: Michael Cadilhac <address@hidden>
> Cc: address@hidden,  address@hidden
> Date: Sun, 05 Mar 2006 15:00:39 +0100
> > It's a feature, not a bug.
>   Oh. I thought the feature was :
>   /a/b/c is replaced by /at/ba/ca if such a directory exists (done by
>   replacing `/' by `*/'), and that's a neat thing.

Yes, that too.

>   but I didn't expect :
>   - The stars to appear in the field ; but the field processed like if they
>     were here,
>   - The stars to be repeated (/a/b/c -> /a*/b*/c* -> /a**/b**/c**)
>   - An error message instead of a `[No match]' :
>     I don't see why /tmp/this-file-doesnt-exist <TAB> triggers [No match]
>     and /a/b/c an error that can raise up the debugger on debug-on-error.
>   Is it _really_ the expected behavior ?

Yes, I think so.  I'll let Stefan explain why this is a Good Thing (or
why I don't know what I'm talking about).

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