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Re: savehist-mode: invalid-read-syntax "#"

From: Hrvoje Niksic
Subject: Re: savehist-mode: invalid-read-syntax "#"
Date: Mon, 09 Jan 2006 00:46:19 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

Reiner Steib <address@hidden> writes:

>> Are you sure that is a better idea than tracing the problem?
> Unfortunately I don't know how to reproduce the problem.

You could modify savehist-minibuffer-hook (the function) to enter the
debugger when command-history is added to the hook.  It doesn't happen
for me in Emacs 21.  (I now see that you have done this already -- I'd
be interested in your findings.)

> But the problem is quite serious.  It is quite hard for ordinary
> users to find out how to solve the problem so we need a fix.

If my understanding is correct, you refer to the CVS Emacs, which has
not yet been released so should not be used by ordinary users.  If we
install this fix, it will be that much harder to trace the underlying

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