Date: Sat, 07 Jan 2006 15:01:54 +0100
From: Lennart Borgman <address@hidden>
Cc: address@hidden
Beside the above problem the value on w32 seems strange. I get the value
"" with CVS Emacs from 2006-01-06 after .emacs have been read.
This isn't strange, this is exactly what should happen. The doc
string of init-file-user says, among other things:
Otherwise, the value may be the null string, meaning use the init file
for the user that originally logged in, or it may be a
string containing a user's name meaning use that person's init file.
In either of the latter cases, `(concat "~" init-file-user "/")'
evaluates to the name of the directory where the `.emacs' file was
looked for.
With the possible exception of the term ``null string'' (which really
means an empty string), this describes what you see: since the .emacs
file used was from the user ``that originally logged in'', you get the
value of "", and (concat "~" init-file-user "/") will yield "~/", your
home directory.
I fixed the doc string to say "empty string", for more clarity.