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Re: address@hidden: mailclient.el - revised]

From: Lennart Borgman
Subject: Re: address@hidden: mailclient.el - revised]
Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 15:01:49 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (Windows/20050716)

Jason Rumney wrote:

MAPI is a proprietary API for proprietary mail clients on a proprietary OS. It is not the "correct" way for anything. Free mail clients such as Emacs, Mozilla Thunderbird and others are not supported by MAPI.

mailto: urls are an open standard. They can be made to work with any mail client that has a command-line interface, even Emacs (see the Emacs on Windows FAQ). If there are limitations with them on Windows, then that is something that Windows users have to live with. What Lennart suggested seems like a good comprimise, even if not ideal, but itshould be conditioned on whether the user has customized send-mail-function, since there is a high chance that Emacs will be able to send mail (using smtpmail.el for example) if the user has configured it to (this applies to Mac as well). This may be the case already, I haven't studied the code you wrote.

I did a search on the web and actually it looks like MAPI is supported by Thunderbird.

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