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problems with utf-8 encoding in GNU emacs and Emacs-WiKi

From: Alex Ott
Subject: problems with utf-8 encoding in GNU emacs and Emacs-WiKi
Date: Sun, 19 Jun 2005 19:31:58 +0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

Hello all

i have one problm with emacs-wiki with gnu emacs and windows. my wiki is in utf-8, default coding systen is cp251. i set file-coding-system-alist for wiki directory in utf-8 and files open's normal, but when i use emacs-wiki-find-file, then page open's in default encoding, not in utf-8. how i can debug them? Problem arise only when find-file called from emacs-wiki

i try to set hook for emacs-wiki (first i try to get help from emacs-wiki list)

(add-hook 'emacs-wiki-mode-hook
          #'(lambda ()
              (set-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8)
              ;; changing the encoding causes buffer to appear modified
              (set-buffer-modified-p nil)))

but it does not work for me

p.s. on linux - all works fine.


In GNU Emacs (i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600)  of 2004-07-09 on FARIBA

here is exceprts from .emacs

 '(emacs-wiki-charset-default "utf-8")
 '(emacs-wiki-coding-default (quote mule-utf-8-unix))
'(emacs-wiki-coding-map (quote ((koi8-r "koi8-r") (iso-2022-jp "iso-2022-jp") (utf-8 "utf-8") (mule-utf-8 "utf-8") (japanese-iso-8bit "euc-jp") (chinese-big5 "big5"))))
 '(emacs-wiki-maintainer "mailto:address@hidden";)
 '(emacs-wiki-meta-content-type "text/html")
'(file-coding-system-alist (quote (("/work/writings/" . koi8-r) ("/ott/WiKi/" . utf-8) ("\\.dz\\'" no-conversion . no-conversion) ("\\.g?z\\(~\\|\\.~[0-9]+~\\)?\\'" no-conversion . no-conversion) ("\\.tgz\\'" no-conversion . no-conversion) ("\\.tbz\\'" no-conversion . no-conversion) ("\\.bz2\\'" no-conversion . no-conversion) ("\\.Z\\(~\\|\\.~[0-9]+~\\)?\\'" no-conversion . no-conversion) ("\\.elc\\'" emacs-mule . emacs-mule) ("\\.utf\\(-8\\)?\\'" . utf-8) ("\\(\\`\\|/\\)loaddefs.el\\'" raw-text . raw-text-unix) ("\\.tar\\'" no-conversion . no-conversion))))

With best wishes, Alex Ott
Jet Infosystems,       http://www.jetinfosoft.ru/
                       +7 (095) 411 76 01

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