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Re: none

From: Kim F. Storm
Subject: Re: none
Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2005 18:49:17 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Luc Teirlinck <address@hidden> writes:

> Is there a reason why this-original-command, unlike this-command,
> returns a non-nil value when no command is running?  

It is an oversight.  Please install your patch.  Thanks.

>                                                      The reason why
> this originally annoyed me is no longer valid, so I do not need this
> to be "fixed", but I thought that maybe it might just be due to an
> oversight.  What about the patch below?  Grepping shows that
> this-original-command, is only used in ido and cua.  Basically, I
> believe that only Kim has ever used it.  

Maybe because until now, I'm the only one(?) who has seriously used
the new command remapping feature :-)

>                                          What about the mini-patch
> below?  I can install if desired.
> ===File ~/keyboard.c-diff===================================
> *** keyboard.c        26 May 2005 10:40:35 -0500      1.826
> --- keyboard.c        30 May 2005 17:14:15 -0500      
> ***************
> *** 1522,1527 ****
> --- 1522,1528 ----
>         Vthis_command = Qnil;
>         real_this_command = Qnil;
> +       Vthis_original_command=Qnil;
>         /* Read next key sequence; i gets its length.  */
>         i = read_key_sequence (keybuf, sizeof keybuf / sizeof keybuf[0],
> ============================================================

Kim F. Storm <address@hidden> http://www.cua.dk

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