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Re: Customizing Buffer-menu-buffer-face

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: Customizing Buffer-menu-buffer-face
Date: Sat, 14 May 2005 20:21:18 -0400

    Is there any reason why `Buffer-menu-buffer-face' is customized in the
    `font-lock-highlighting-faces' group?  The current choice (i) breaks the
    convention that all faces in this group are prefixed with "font-lock-"
    and (ii) falsely implies that this face is used by font-lock.

With the existing code, there is no reason.  However, that's due
to a bug.  Fixing the bug, with the patch below, it becomes
the case that M-x font-lock-mode controls whether this face
is actually used.  And then it makes sense to put this in the
group font-lock-highlighting-faces.

However, it should also be in the group Buffer-menu.

*** buff-menu.el        09 Apr 2005 19:50:08 -0400      1.80
--- buff-menu.el        14 May 2005 14:06:54 -0400      
*** 77,82 ****
--- 77,83 ----
  (defface Buffer-menu-buffer-face
    '((t (:weight bold)))
    "Face used to highlight buffer name."
+   :group 'Buffer-menu
    :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
  (defcustom Buffer-menu-buffer+size-width 26
*** 754,760 ****
                                         (int-to-string (nth 3 buffer))
                                         `(buffer-name ,(nth 2 buffer)
                                           buffer ,(car buffer)
!                                          face Buffer-menu-buffer-face
                                           mouse-face highlight
                                           help-echo "mouse-2: select this 
                "  "
--- 755,761 ----
                                         (int-to-string (nth 3 buffer))
                                         `(buffer-name ,(nth 2 buffer)
                                           buffer ,(car buffer)
!                                          font-lock-face 
                                           mouse-face highlight
                                           help-echo "mouse-2: select this 
                "  "

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