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Re: (LONG) CVS trouble (was Re: Marker does not point anywhere in new sh

From: Joe Corneli
Subject: Re: (LONG) CVS trouble (was Re: Marker does not point anywhere in new shell)
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 09:27:29 -0500

   One thing you may want to do is build make bootstrap without the 
   "prefix" stuff (i.e. configure without --prefix, do make bootstrap, 
   reconfigure with --prefix, and then make).  Make bootstrap is a step 
   that fink does not perform (since it's already included in the regular 

Acknowledged, but I initially tried

  ./configure '--with-x' '--without-carbon' 'CFLAGS=-I/sw/include' 
'CPPFLAGS=-I/sw/include' 'LDFLAGS=-L/sw/lib' 

And I also tried

  ./configure '--with-x' '--without-carbon'

`make booktstrap' failed in both attempts, producing the same error
as the `-prefix' variant.  I don't think I can `make' without having
`make bootstrap' succeed first.

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