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compilation mode and full paths on windows

From: Sam Steingold
Subject: compilation mode and full paths on windows
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 18:05:26 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.1003 (Gnus v5.10.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (windows-nt)

GNU Emacs (i386-msvc-nt5.0.2195)
 of 2004-06-14 on WINSTEINGOLDLAP
--with-msvc (12.00)

The gnu regexp in `compilation-error-regexp-alist-alist' is lacking:
the following messages are not recognized

d:/gnu/sp/bin/nsgmls.exe:mop.xml:4818:32:X: reference to non-existent ID 
d:/gnu/sp/bin/nsgmls.exe:mop.xml:271:48:X: reference to non-existent ID 
d:/gnu/sp/bin/nsgmls.exe:mop.xml:294:17:X: reference to non-existent ID 
d:/gnu/sp/bin/nsgmls.exe:mop.xml:2305:68:X: reference to non-existent ID 

same for

d:\gnu\sp\bin\nsgmls.exe:mop.xml:2305:68:X: reference to non-existent ID 

Sam Steingold (http://www.podval.org/~sds) running w2k
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