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address@hidden: pin the right edge of the text to the right edge of the

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: address@hidden: pin the right edge of the text to the right edge of the monitor]
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 03:02:11 -0500

Can someone who has been working on the display code recently
investigate this bug?

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To: address@hidden
From: Dan Jacobson <address@hidden>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2004 09:03:24 +0800
Subject: pin the right edge of the text to the right edge of the monitor
Sender: address@hidden

Gentlemen, do
$ perl -wle "for (1..50){print 'z' x $((${COLUMNS-99}+10))}" > wide_file
#I.e. make a file with lines longer than your monitor can handle without 
$ emacs -q --no-site-file wide_file
M-x toggle-truncate-lines
C-e or C-x <
Note how there is tons of space wasted as there is no way to pin the
right edge of the text to the right edge of the monitor.
A C-a gets the left edge of the text nicely fixed to the left edge of
the monitor, but no consideration is given to us right-wingers.

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