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Re: skeleton.el _ versus @

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: Re: skeleton.el _ versus @
Date: 01 Apr 2003 20:17:39 -0500

Joe Kelsey <address@hidden> writes:

   My question is when was the _ @ distinction ruined by allowing @ to
   override the meaning of _.  Was it introduced by the original skeleton
   author, or was it inserted on-the-sly by someone else?  What does the cvs
   history say, or is it even recorded in the cvs history?

if you ask these questions (and find the answers) before forming your belief,
perhaps your position would not need to rely so heavily on belief, and thus
(ironically) be more "believable".  please post your analysis of "cvs log
skeleton.el" output so i can learn your thought process.


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