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Re: Insufficient functionality of yank-excluded-properties

From: Robert J. Chassell
Subject: Re: Insufficient functionality of yank-excluded-properties
Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 17:52:51 +0000 (UTC)

   Try the following: 

   Do C-h f help RET and copy the contents of the *Help* buffer to
   another buffer.  The mouse highlight of the help buttons is still
   active, i.e. the mouse-face property hasn't been removed.

When Emacs started using text properties, I defined the following
`remove-window-text-properties' function and added it to my .emacs
file.  I have found it very useful -- so useful I put the command on a
function key.

I use it when doing the kind of copying you give as an example.

    ;;; Remove text properties

    ;; I like to remove text properties that facemenu added to region.
    ;; This provides a keybinding to remove all text properties
    ;; in the region visible in a window.

    (defun remove-window-text-properties ()
      "Remove text properties in the region visible in a window."
      (facemenu-remove-all (window-start) (window-end)))

    (global-set-key [f4] 'remove-window-text-properties)

    Robert J. Chassell                  address@hidden
    Rattlesnake Enterprises             http://www.rattlesnake.com

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