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Re: Status of my GTK efforts.

From: Richard Stallman
Subject: Re: Status of my GTK efforts.
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2001 22:39:42 -0700 (MST)

    GTK uses different syntax from Xdefaults to begin with, here is an example:

    style "eventbox" {
       bg_pixmap[NORMAL] = "<parent>"
       bg_pixmap[INSENSITIVE] = "<parent>"
       bg_pixmap[PRELIGHT] = "<parent>"
       bg_pixmap[SELECTED] = "<parent>"
       bg_pixmap[ACTIVE] = "<parent>"

    class "GtkEventBox" style "eventbox"

I don't understand this example.  What does it mean?
What language is it written in?

Is this text that the user might write in order to customize GTK?  Or
is it a definition that says what information to request from the

As you see, I don't have even the first glimmer of an idea
what that text means.  Please explain to me as a user, not assuming
I know anything about using GTK.

    Apart from the states, this can also be done in Xdefaults.

What can also be done in Xdefaults?

    Ignoring the second usage, there is nothing new in GTKs way of handling 
    resources.  BUT, it is handeled by default and applied to appropriate 
    widgets, whereas Xdefaults is ignored (much as Motif widgets react to 
    Xdefaults automatically).

I don't understand.  "Xdefaults is ignored" is passive--it has no
subject.  So I don't know what you're talking about here.  What
ignores Xdefaults?

Perhaps you mean GTK.  Does GTK ignore Xdefaults?

If so, what do you mean by "this can also be done in Xdefaults"?
Is it possible in some way to use Xdefaults to customize GTK?
If so, how *exactly* would I do this?

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