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[debbugs-tracker] Processed: Re: bug#18039: 24.3; Broken docstring in cl

From: GNU bug tracker automated control server
Subject: [debbugs-tracker] Processed: Re: bug#18039: 24.3; Broken docstring in cl-style functions
Date: Thu, 02 Jun 2016 14:05:01 -0400

Processing commands for address@hidden:

> found 18039 24.5
Bug #18039 [emacs] 24.3; Broken docstring in cl-style functions
bug Marked as found in versions 24.5.
> fixed 18034 25.0.94
Bug #18034 [emacs] toggle-read-only used in the code
bug Marked as fixed in versions 25.0.94.
> close 18039
bug#18039: 24.3; Broken docstring in cl-style functions
bug closed, send any further explanations to
address@hidden and Thorsten Jolitz <address@hidden>

> merge 18039 21839
bug#18039: 24.3; Broken docstring in cl-style functions
bug#21839: 25.0.50; can't use newlines in defaults in cl functions
Merged 18039 21839.

> quit
Stopping processing here.

Please contact address@hidden if you need assistance.

GNU bugs database, http://debbugs.gnu.org/

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