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Re: [eLyXer-users] eLyXer footer

From: Jack Desert
Subject: Re: [eLyXer-users] eLyXer footer
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2010 20:26:54 -0500

I don't actually call elyxer directly anymore, I let LyX call it in the default 
fashion according to lyx/lib/configure.py. Then LyXBlogger acts as a converter 
from eLyXer to WordPress. 

I could filter out the footer, but I still prefer the default being no footer.


  El Wed, 28 Apr 2010 08:02:10 +0200
Alex Fernandez <address@hidden> escribió:
> Hi Jack,
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 4:17 AM, Jack Desert <address@hidden> wrote:
> > It's definitely a showstopper for me. I would prefer that the default were 
> > no footer. Otherwise I'll end up writing code to filter it out, so no one 
> > asks me why there's a footer at the bottom of their blog.
> Rest assured that the --raw option would disable this footer. In other
> words: the footer is below the <!--endhtml--> mark that --raw creates
> so it gets cut out. Would it be fine in this case?
> Alex.

Jack Desert     --    Writer, Entrepeneur
Author and Spokesman: www.LetsEATalready.com
Software Developer:   http://GrooveTask.org
Email: address@hidden

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