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loremipsumize [was: Re: [eLyXer-users] Re: elyxer trial report]

From: Sven Hoexter
Subject: loremipsumize [was: Re: [eLyXer-users] Re: elyxer trial report]
Date: Sat, 20 Mar 2010 18:05:45 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 11:01:55PM +0100, Alex Fernandez wrote:


> Strictly speaking it is a helper script. It is used so people can
> Lorem-Ipsumize their LyX documents, that is: remove the actual text
> and replace it with meaningless text, so they can send me document
> samples without sending any confidential information. It can be used
> with any LyX documents and even web pages, so it might be useful
> beyond eLyXer -- that is why it might go into /usr/bin/.

Ok, attached is a proposal for a manpage. Please review it to be
sure that I didn't write anything wrong about it.

If God passed a mic to me to speak
I'd say stay in bed, world
Sleep in peace
   [The Cardigans - 03:45: No sleep]

Attachment: loremipsumize.1
Description: Text document

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