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Re: [Duplicity-talk] How to use duplicity for local backup

From: MRob
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] How to use duplicity for local backup
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 14:37:58 +0000
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail

On 2020-04-25 10:18, edgar.soldin--- via Duplicity-talk wrote:
hi MRob,

On 24.04.2020 19:50, MRob via Duplicity-talk wrote:
Hello, I want to ask opinion about backup tactic please.

I found a backup system that using only rsync to a local server. A few scripts run on the server that create tree of historical directrories that are filled with hard links to the main rsync target. I never saw this but my understand of the benefit:
* saving space for historical backups because they only use inodes
* simple scheme to use rsync and ln

off-topic but interestingly there is a popular backup strategy like that.

on the backend (where the backups are stored)
- create mirror/snapshot of the last backup folder (eg. using file
systems like btrfs, zfs or using 'rsync --link-dest=...' below)
on the backend or locally
- run rsync and synchronize the new backend folder

The system Im looking at isn't that. It uses:

1. rsync from server to local backup server
2. "cp -l" for making incrementals

* But am I correct, to understand if a file *change* then the historical data is lost so its a shortcoming of the scheme.

not necessarily as rsync by default creates a new file if it detected
changes in the old one, hence your old hardlinks won't be touched in
that case

However with "cp -l" can I assume changes are lost?

Is this scheme popular?

relatively. i for one use it in some places.

Is it useful in comparison to local-rsync variation of duplicity?

not comparable to what duplicity does. duplicity creates final volumes
of backup data that are merely dumped on some backend.

For example, lower CPU needed because not creating archive files and encrypting them.

as said. completely different approach. you need eg. a backend that
you trust your unencrypted data with.

Yes it is local system, trusted. In such case is duplicity not the right Tool?

Can duplicity have gpg turn off when it is not necessary?

yes. but then you may as well check out thy myriad of backup solutions
out there. one might be a better fit for you.

The point of my thread. Looking for advice here, please.

Maybe I change "cp -l" to "rsync --list-dest" it will be more CPU and space efficent than duplicity without gpg?

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