Ah! Please be careful about that stuff. I'm sure we all each have a local copy of the development trunk, but still.
I've pushed old lp:duplicity/0.7-series into an 0.7-series-old branch and pushed the development trunk into lp:duplicity/0.7-series (do we even care about 0.7-series-old anymore? It just had the par2 stuff which landed already, right?)
Here are my hopes for 0.6 & 0.7:
- We immediately mark 0.7-series
as the development focus and make it an alias for lp:duplicity.
- We release 0.6.24 as soon as possible. (does it need the webdav fix too?)
- We only backport frequent crashers and data-loss bug fixes to 0.6 after 0.6.24.
- We treat 0.7.0 as a normal release rather than an experimental release. (i.e. instead of just pushing it out there with warnings to users, we instead just test the heck out of the backends before releasing)
I'll leave how much of that happens up to you, Ken, but that's my vote.