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[Duplicity-talk] Old signatures not found and incremental specified

From: hanj
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] Old signatures not found and incremental specified
Date: Sun, 5 Feb 2012 09:20:24 -0700

Hello All

After spending a ton of time on this.. I'm starting realize the
duplicity is not right for me.. not sure.

So I spent a week pushing a full backup (80G) to Rackspace Cloud Files.
I ran two incremental backups (which I mentioned were sending odd files
that have not been changed). I ran a verify after the last incremental
finished. Now, when I issue a incremental, it wants to do a full.

Here is the output:

Found 1 secondary backup chain.
Secondary chain 1 of 1:
Chain start time: Fri Jan 27 20:23:12 2012
Chain end time: Sun Feb  5 07:37:18 2012
Number of contained backup sets: 5
Total number of contained volumes: 3092
 Type of backup set:                            Time:      Num volumes:
                Full         Fri Jan 27 20:23:12 2012              2587
         Incremental         Fri Feb  3 23:42:20 2012               325
         Incremental         Sat Feb  4 20:13:31 2012                18
         Incremental         Sat Feb  4 21:30:04 2012               161
         Incremental         Sun Feb  5 07:37:18 2012                 1

No backup chains with active signatures found
Also found 1 backup set not part of any chain,
and 0 incomplete backup sets.
These may be deleted by running duplicity with the "cleanup" command.
Fatal Error: Unable to start incremental backup.  Old signatures not
found and incremental specified

I tried a cleanup with --force but when I try straight duplicity
command, it wants to do a full. Not sure how I got this, but doing
another full backup is not an option.

Is there something I can do to correct this?


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