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[Duplicity-talk] mbkp: A new, modular Duplicity front end

From: Elifarley Callado Coelho Cruz
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] mbkp: A new, modular Duplicity front end
Date: Sun, 27 Nov 2011 18:13:39 -0200

I decided to share a tool I've started developing in late 2010, named 'mbkp'.

Source code, wiki, issues and planned features:

(I have yet to improve the information provided in the wiki)


mbkp is a modular backup tool in 2 senses: it groups common backup
configuration in named modules, and its source code departs from the
monolithic style by grouping similar functions in separate modules.

Simplify backup management
Leverage similarities between source version control and backup (mbkp
status / mbkp log are similar to hg status / hg log or svn status /
svn log, for instance)
Source code should use best practices in shell / Bash scripting and be
easy to extend.

Main Features:
Backup configurations are stored in modules
Easily create, export and import configuration modules
Built-in help
Concurrent backups of a module are detected and skipped
Simple backup of MySQL databases
List of DB tables to skip
List of files to include and exclude is relative to the source (no
need to repeat the source prefix for every line)
Various pre- and post-hooks
Compatible with older and current versions of Duplicity


$ mbkp
MBKP - Modular Backup
mbkp <command> [<param1> <param2> ...]

Basic commands:

backup  perform a full or incremental backup
status  show changed files in the working directory
list    show all files in backup
verify  verify the integrity of the repository
restore restore a backup
call    call a hook
log     list the chains and sets in the backup repository
cache-size    show cache sizes
cache-zap     zap cache data
config-new    create configuration for a new module
config-export export all configuration files
config-import import all configuration files
config-edit   edit a configuration file
help    show help on a given command

Create a backup configuration module named 'etc':
mbkp config-new etc
# or you can use a shorthand:
mbkp cn etc
Opens configuration for the 'etc' module in vim (or $EDITOR if configured):
mbkp config-edit etc
# or
mbkp ce etc

Opens the common configuration file (user-specific) for all modules in
vim (or $EDITOR if configured):
mbkp config-edit

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