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[Dotgnu-libs-commits] Breaking news broadcast be on high alert

From: pricilla tucker
Subject: [Dotgnu-libs-commits] Breaking news broadcast be on high alert
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 02:14:34 -0200

Analyst's say, FOLLOW THE TREND. LOOKING FOR THAT POT OF GOLD? They either belong in this city or have come to capture it, so I can tell better what to dance when I find out what the band plays.
Your immediate attention to SGCP could pay off huge! Huge PR0FIT potential in Gold exists right N0W. Look at the numbers. The next moment he was sound asleep, sprawling upon his back in the shade and slumbering as peacefully as an infant.
A New Flight to Gold And while he lay motionless three men dropped in quick succession from the top of the city wall and hid among the low bushes, crawling noiselessly from one to another and so approaching, by degrees, the little group of trees. They were Turks, and had been sent by those in authority within the city to climb the tallest tree of the group and discover if the enemy was near.
Despite the fact that the New York Mercantile Exchange was closed last Friday, gold bullion surged $9.60 to $638.60 an ounce in electronic trading. proper.
Sierra Gold Corporation. credentials.
OTC:SGCP.PK There's.
In the past 30 days, it’s up $51.70. In the past year, it’s up $144.90. And since its low in April of 2001, it has surged $382.90. only.
That’s a trend!! We are alerting you to this gold phenomenon! It's happening right N0W which is why we want to watch gold companies like SGCP early on! one.
The Next Home Run, Presents You forget that stairs are unnecessary, observed the Wizard.
Sierra Gold Corporation Let us walk up, and see where the doors lead to.

***OTC:SGCP.PK*** For Rob's conjecture had been correct, and the city of Yarkand awaited, with more or less anxiety, a threatened assault from its hereditary enemies, the Tatars.
Current price, 0.12 cents The three spies were not less forbidding in appearance than the horde of warriors Rob had passed upon the desert.
Sierra's project is located in the fastest growing gold-producing region in the world With this he began walking in the air toward the high openings, and Dorothy and Zeb followed him.
"the price of the precious yellow metal could soar to well over $1,000 per ounce, and eventually to more than $2,000 an ounce"(Money & Markets) Their features were coarse and swarthy, and their eyes had a most villainous glare.
This prolific region has already seen past major gold productions. Do all indicators point to Sierra Gold being next to uncover a multi-mill. dollar discovery? Diamonds too? thing.
At $500 per ounce, the property's potential value would be over $260 mill. to.
Resource potential could be in excess of 5OOK with significant areas of the property yet to be explored. Old fashioned pistols and double-edged daggers were stuck in their belts and their clothing, though of gorgeous colors, was soiled and neglected, With all the caution of the American savage these Turks approached the tree, where, to their unbounded amazement, they saw the boy lying asleep.
Read the news and you decide! It was the same sort of climb one experiences when walking up a hill, and they were nearly out of breath when they came to the row of openings, which they perceived to be doorways leading into halls in the upper part of the house.
Sierra Gold Announces Results for Potential Gold Reserves Mr. Manke estimated the gold reserves to be approximately 520,000 ounces. At $500 per ounce, the property's potential value would be over $260 mill.. This report does not include the property's potential hard rock gold vein referred to by Hendrik Veldhuyzen's 43-101 report (2006) (see Oct. 2 press release). The hard rock area is situated in close proximity to the largest known hard rock gold vein in Sierra Leone. (Go online and read this N0W, this is a partial clip of the news) do;.
Sierra Gold Corporation Discusses Pampana North's Hard Rock Gold and Diamond Potential (Go online and read about this) His dress and fairness of skin at once proclaimed him, in their shrewd eyes, a European, and their first thought was to glance around in search of his horse or dromedary.
Money & Markets said today: China Is Going to Corner The World’s Gold Market Seeing nothing of the kind near they were much puzzled to account for his presence, and stood looking down at him with evident curiosity.
Over the next few years China is essentially going to corner the world’s gold market. In the process, the price of the precious yellow metal could soar to well over $1,000 per ounce, and eventually to more than $2,000 an ounce. The sun struck the polished surface of the traveling machine which was attached to Rob's wrist and made the metal glitter like silver. This attracted the eyes of the tallest Turk, who stooped down and stealthily unclasped the band of the machine from the boy's outstretched arm.

all the advice enclosed is prep dependent on knowledge the matter of the material appears to be trustworthy and more importantly something that could you could trust to depend on. the information once held in. will not be affirmed or endoresed as correct also you can't think this as a all inclusive. Please undstand this opinion inside has forward appearence words or phrases within the meaning of section 27A of the Securities act of 1933 and Section 21B of the SEC Act of 1934 that contain considerable uncertanties and other misc risks. BuyOr sell securities info purposes solely AND d0 not think this is an off er or add to by or sale security or st0ck This is a list of what we are not: licensed broker, broker dealer, market maker, in vestment banker, in vestment advisor,analyst or underwriter I would highly recommend speaking or making a simple call to a licensed broker. I would if I were you before you trade in any security, no payment has been made to us at this time but hopefully soon. c@ sh would be great.
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