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[Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #758] Allow to have a combo list of local tax

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-tasktrack] [Task #758] Allow to have a combo list of local tax rates when editing an element
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2015 16:23:35 +0100

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Allow to have a combo list of local tax rates when editing an element

Latest modifications

2015-02-20 16:23 (Europe/Paris)
Now (because to another task) you can put many data separated with : in localtax value, into VAT dicctionary, ex: -21:-9:-2. This will makes a combo display in the third card, next to the field "Localtax is used", named Localtax Type.

This is ok for you?

Answer now


Submitted on:  2013-03-09 11:55 Submitted by:  Laurent Destailleur (eldy)
Last Modified On:  2013-03-09 11:55 
Summary:  Allow to have a combo list of local tax rates when editing an element
Description:  Some countries, like india, need to choose rate of local tax that does not depends on vat rate. We must add a localtax type that is 1-%x.x meaning type 1 with rate x.x%
Priority:  7 Open to Any Developer:  No
Subproject:  None Assigned to (multiple):  None
Planned for version:   
Start Date:  - End Date:  -
Completion (0-100%):  0 Status:  Open


Juanjo Menent 2015-02-20 16:23
Now (because to another task) you can put many data separated with : in localtax value, into VAT dicctionary, ex: -21:-9:-2. This will makes a combo display in the third card, next to the field "Localtax is used", named Localtax Type.

This is ok for you?

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