[CustomMessages] NameAndVersion=%1 version %2 AdditionalIcons=Additional icons: CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop icon CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1 LaunchProgram=Launch %1 AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension... YouWillInstallDoliWamp=You will install or upgrade DoliWamp (Apache+Mysql+PHP+Dolibarr) on your computer. ThisAssistantInstallOrUpgrade=This assistant installs or upgrades Dolibarr ERP-CRM and all required third party softwares (Apache, Mysql and PHP) optimized for a Dolibarr usage. IfYouHaveTechnicalKnowledge=If you have technical knowledge and plan to share your Apache, Mysql and PHP with other projects than Dolibarr, you should not use this assistant and make a manual installation of Dolibarr on your existing Apache, Mysql and PHP installation. ButIfYouLook=But if you look for an automatic setup, you''re on the good way... DoYouWantToStart=Do you want to start installation/upgrade process ? TechnicalParameters=Technical parameters IfFirstInstall=If first install, please specify some technical parameters. If you don't understand, are not sure, or are doing an upgrade, just leave the default values. ; WARNING !!! STRINGS HERE MUST BE LOWER THAN 60 CHARACTERS SMTPServer=SMTP server (your own or ISP SMTP server, first install only) : ApachePort=Apache port (first install only, common choice is 80) : MySqlPort=MySql port (first install only, common choice is 3306) : MySqlPassword=MySql server and database password you want for root (first install only): FailedToDeleteLock=Failed to delete the file %1/www/dolibarr/install.lock. You can ignore warning but you may have to remove it manually later when asked. Click OK to continue... PortAlreadyInUse=Port %1 seems to be already in use. You should cancel to go back and choose another value for %2 port. Cancel choice and choose another value ? FirefoxDetected=Firefox has been detected on your computer. Would you like to use it as the default browser for Dolibarr ? ChooseDefaultBrowser=Please choose your default browser. If you are not sure, just click Open : LaunchNow=Launch Dolibarr now ProgramHasBeenRemoved=Dolibarr program files have been removed. However, all your data files are still in directory %1. You must remove this directory manually for a complete uninstall. DoliWampWillStartApacheMysql=DoliWamp installer will now start or restart Apache and Mysql, this may last from several seconds to one minute after this confirmation. Start to install or upgrade the web and database server required by Dolibarr ? OldVersionFoundAndMoveInNew=An old database version has been found and moved to be used by new Dolibarr version OldVersionFoundButFailedToMoveInNew=An old database version has been found but could not be moved to be used with new Dolibarr version