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[Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1825] External agenda: hide/show checkbox does

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1825] External agenda: hide/show checkbox doesn't work
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 10:43:47 +0100

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External agenda: hide/show checkbox doesn't work

Latest modifications

2015-02-16 10:43 (Europe/Madrid)
The bug has been corrected. Pull request send inside GIT sources
( and waiting to merge
into develop branch.
  • Detected in version:
  • Assigned to: 
NoneMarcos García (marcosgdf)
  • Resolution: 

Answer now


Submitted on:  2015-02-03 16:48 Last Modified On:  2015-02-03 20:35
Submitted by:  Ruben Almeida (aruben) 
Summary:  External agenda: hide/show checkbox doesn't work
Description:  When we add an external agenda, we see it in the Dolibarr Agenda.
But the checkbox, to hide/show its events, doesn't work: they remain visible.
Step to reproduce bug:  Dolibarr versions: 3.6.2 ; 3.7 ; 3.8
In: Internet Explorer 11 (11.0.15)
In: Chrome 40
Local install (wamp server) with php5.3

1-Add an external agenda (ex: .ics from Google)
2-Go to the Agenda menu
3-Uncheck the checkbox for this external agenda
4->The events don't disappear

Where the bug ?
In 3.6.2: file "core\lib\agenda.lib.php" lines 150 & 152
In 3.7.0: file "comm\action\index.php" lines 373 & 375
In 3.8.0: file "comm\action\index.php" lines 366 & 368

Old code 3.6.2 :
print ' jQuery("#check_' . $htmlname . '").click(function() {';
print ' jQuery(".family_' . $htmlname . '").toggle();';
New corrected code:
print ' jQuery(\'input[id="check_' . $htmlname . '"]\').click(function() {';
print ' jQuery(\'div[class*="family_' . $htmlname . '"]\').toggle();';

Bug reason:
The "." and "@" in the class name and id label of the div/input make fail jquery to find the objects.
I have the error in debug mode (F12 in IE) when loading the page :
Syntax error, unrecognized _expression_: #address@hidden
Detected in version:  3.6.2 Category:  Module: Agenda
Severity:  2 OS Type/Version:  Windows 8.1
PHP version:  5.3 ; 5.4 Database type and version:  Mysql5.5.24
Status:  Open Assigned to:  Marcos García (marcosgdf)
Resolution:  Fixed 


Marcos GarcĂ­a 2015-02-16 10:43
The bug has been corrected. Pull request send inside GIT sources
( and waiting to merge
into develop branch.
Ruben Almeida 2015-02-03 20:35
More information:
In my agenda configuration tab, I put "address@hidden" for the "Name" of the external agenda. If I put "Toto Gmail", it works perfectly.
This bug comes from the "." and "@" in the Name attribute. Also bugs with "&", "#", "$", "+", ...

The variable "$htmlname" is sanitized with "dol_string_nospecial()" before using it, but this function doesn't remove ".", "@", "&", "#", "$", "+".

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