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[Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1540] Mailing customer proposal

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1540] Mailing customer proposal
Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 20:03:54 +0200

Is this email not displaying correctly?
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Mailing customer proposal

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2014-07-28 20:03 (Europe/Paris)
Sorry i don't understand report.
Category is "mailman and spip". And think you refer to email sent from proposal ? So category should be proposal (mailman module is an interface to an external tool called mailman).

Also what's wrong exactly ? Can you provide steps to reproduce bug ?
  • Status: 
OpenNeed more info

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Submitted by:  Jaipal Nair (jaipalnair) Submitted on:  2014-07-25 15:49
Last Modified On:  2014-07-25 15:57 
Summary:  Mailing customer proposal
Description:  While mailing customer proposal, the reply from customer is received in the authenticated mail box.
Step to reproduce bug:  
Detected in version:  3.5.3 Category:  Module: Mailman and SPIP
Severity:  5 - Major OS Type/Version:  
PHP version:   Database type and version:  
Status:  Need more info Assigned to:  None
Resolution:  None 


Laurent Destailleur 2014-07-28 20:03
Sorry i don't understand report.
Category is "mailman and spip". And think you refer to email sent from proposal ? So category should be proposal (mailman module is an interface to an external tool called mailman).

Also what's wrong exactly ? Can you provide steps to reproduce bug ?
Jaipal Nair 2014-07-25 15:57
In more precise : The sender mail is returned to this id: SMTP ID if authentication required.

This may be because using POP/SMTP for mail setup.

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