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[Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1232] Propal/Order/Invoice = >Extrafield on fr

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1232] Propal/Order/Invoice = >Extrafield on free lines are not saved
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 18:34:39 +0100

Ce message ne s'affiche pas correctement?
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Propal/Order/Invoice = >Extrafield on free lines are not saved

Dernières modifications

17/02/2014 18:34 (Europe/Paris)
OK this method correct the problem of extrafields
Using only one form on this screen is not the good issue:
-> the line trigger can't work correctly
-> formAddObjectLine can't work correctly

Does need to open news bugtrack about?



Last Modified On:  17/02/2014 18:12 Submitted by:  HENRY Florian (fhenry)
Submitted on:  29/01/2014 14:12 
Summary:  Propal/Order/Invoice = >Extrafield on free lines are not saved
Description:  Define extrafeild on line propal.
Edit a proposal, add a free product line and put a value into extrafeild define. The value of extrafield is not saved.

Step to reproduce bug:  Define extrafeild on line propal.
Edit a proposal, add a free product line and put a value into extrafeild define. The value of extrafield is not saved.

problem come from global from that have similar input name for extrafield into free product line and defined product line. So the value posted are the last (the one from predifined product lines eg nothing because we input value on free product line).
It was working fine when the orm were define into add line template but as from now they are outside, i don't know easy solution.
Detected in version:  3.5.0 Category:  Core Problem
Severity:  5 - Major OS Type/Version:  Ubuntu 13.04
PHP version:  PHP 5.4 Database type and version:  MysqL 5
Status:  Open Assigned to:  Laurent Destailleur (eldy)
Resolution:  Fixed 


benke 17/02/2014 18:34
OK this method correct the problem of extrafields
Using only one form on this screen is not the good issue:
-> the line trigger can't work correctly
-> formAddObjectLine can't work correctly

Does need to open news bugtrack about?
Laurent Destailleur 17/02/2014 18:12
The bug has been corrected inside GIT sources

So fix should be available with next stable release.
benke 29/01/2014 14:31
the problem is caused by the use of only one form/table for all the "addline" screen, i think that the problem is not only on the extrafields fields

the good and proper way seems to create 5 tables and 5 forms for the propal, order and bills main page
1 form/table for the printobjectlines
1 form/table for the formAddObjectLine
1 form/table for the formAddFreeProduct
1 form/table for formAddPredefinedProduct
and finaly 1 form/table for the hook (allready done on the milestone)

for a good structure of code propose that the form/table was written on tpl file

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