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[Dms-commit] Changes to gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt

From: Julien Gilli
Subject: [Dms-commit] Changes to gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt
Date: Sat, 27 Aug 2005 16:36:02 -0400

Index: gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt
diff -u gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt:1.2 
--- gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt:1.2      Sat Aug 27 20:17:27 2005
+++ gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt  Sat Aug 27 20:36:01 2005
@@ -50,4 +50,40 @@
 JM: No, it is not done.  I intend to continue working on it for quite awhile.  
If this project is successful, I suspect the server will go through a lot of 
performance tuning and other refactoring.  Not to mention all the work I would 
like to do on the query matching algorithms.  However, the extension is really 
becoming quite useable, and I would love for people to download it from the 
wiki, try it out, and tell me what they think!  I hope to make a release to the 
general Gnome/Mozilla communities in the near future.
+You probably all know about RhythmBox, the iTunes looking GNOME music player. 
So let's get some rhythm out of the box, and bring the power of sharing to it ! 
Let's hear what Charles have to say about his great work on iTunes to RB and RB 
to RB  music sharing.
+GJ: Does the project still match the initial plan ? If not, how far is it from 
the initial plan and why ?
+CS: Depends how specific you get with "initial plan."  My goal is reached, 
iTunes Music Sharing (Digital Audio Access Protocol or DAAP) for Rhythmbox.  So 
in that regard, the project still matches up with my plan/proposal to Google.
+In my proposal I had suggested doing this using a DAAP module for GnomeVFS.  
So that you could hand GnomeVFS a uri like daap://Lyndsey's Music and it would 
return a directory full of music.  I had done some initial work towards this 
last October, and planned to merely continue this and get it working with 
+Very quickly though, I realized & was convinced by others that this really 
wasn't the way to do it.  That the DAAP code should live inside Rhythmbox, not 
in a GnomeVFS module.  So I rewrote my module work from last year and went from 
there.  Rewriting it like that was initially a pain in the ass, but has 
definitely paid off.  I'm quite glad I didn't go the GnomeVFS route now.
+GJ: Did you enjoy your summer ?
+CS: In general my summer has been busy.  I just returned from studying abroad 
in Australia for 5 months.  I had to live with my parents for 6 weeks.  I had 
to move back into my apartment.  I'm looking for full time employment.  And in 
September I'm taking my last college class.  So, in general, good, but way too 
busy.   With regards to SoC, its been enjoyable.  Hectic trying to schedule my 
time around all the other things I have to do, and needing to finish up my 
project by the end of August.
+GJ: Do you have somme funny anecdotes to tell our readers ?
+CS: Not really.
+GJ: Can you tell us about your mentor ?
+CS: My mentor is Colin Walters (walters on irc).  The relationship has been 
great.  Early on, there wasn't a lot of interaction, simply because most of my 
work was related directly to DAAP and not to Rhythmbox+DAAP.  In the past few 
weeks he's been an invaluable resource for questions like "walters: how should 
I make it so that the _get_playlist () function doesn't return DAAP playlists?" 
and the like - that is, RB specific questions.  Most of our interaction has 
been over irc or comments on my patches via email.  I definitely see myself 
continuing to work with the Rhythmbox community (fixing/improving DAAP for one, 
and I'm thinking I'll tackle equalizer support next) - so I'm sure the 
relationship will continue in something like is present form of 
question/response :)
+GJ: If you had to choose the three most important things you learned by 
working on this project, what would they be, and why ? 
+CS: 1. When working with network code, never ever ever assume /anything/ about 
the response you get from servers/clients.  Always always always check them in 
every way you can.
+2. Time management is a skill I am still lacking. 
+3. Don't underestimate how much people actually want a feature.  Just because 
you don't get any initial enthusiasm or response, keep plugging away.  If its 
something /you/ want for the software, its something someone else wants too - 
probably something a lot of other people want.
+GJ: By hacking on this project, what are the things (technical or not) you  
found truly amazing with GNOME ? What do youthink need substantial  work to be 
as amazing as the rest of the desktop ?
+CS: Dunno.
+GJ: Last but not least, is the project done ? If not, will you keep hacking on 
this project in the future  ?
+CS: The project is done.  There are several additional features that I didn't 
specify in my proposal to Google that I'd like to investigate & implement, so 
I'll continue hacking on those.  And, like I said, I'mgoing to stick around in 
the RB community - I'd love to add equalizer support next.

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