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Re: Use of NSZoneStat()

From: Ivan Vučica
Subject: Re: Use of NSZoneStat()
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2018 02:34:28 +0000

On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 6:08 PM, amon <amon@vnl.com> wrote:
> Just to re-iterate... most of those tools are of little help.
> I am doing embedded systems that will run for long periods of
> time and may have life-safety implications. The small boxes
> are ARM based linux boxes. No GUI. All work is via an xterm
> over an ssh with the target host running one or more ObjC based
> daemons.
> Yes, I can test some things on a desktop, but the religious mantra
> of my industry is "Test as you fly, fly as you test."


In addition to the requirement to test on your target ARM platform,
you may still want to run your software on desktops (and run various
debugging tools both on desktop and your target platform). :-)

I do understand you need definitive information on your target platform, though.

> Yes, there are multiple ways to manage storage, and over a period
> of years, all of them may end up in a given large code body and
> have unexpected interactions, not to mention human confusion
> and error. You really do need an absolute ground truth test so
> you can run a Class (or entire application) through its paces
> and at the end have a file-able document showing
> Free(starttime) == Free(stoptime). Although not there yet, I
> would not find it surprising if I had to supply such information
> to show that I meet the tough regulatory requirements of the
> various potential users.
> The ZoneInfo code does get me that information, which is an
> invaluable aid. Admittedly, it could be better. I had forgotten
> about valgrind... the last time I looked at it was probably
> 15+ years ago so it has probably improved greatly.

Absolutely appreciate the situation. It was not obvious that tough
regulations kick in, this makes things clearer.

> A quick check
> shows they are supporting Linux/ARM so now you've caused me to
> have to read another manual!

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